Foundation of International Mechanochemical Association (IMA)in 1988 at Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia. From left to right: A. P. Purga (Russia), V. Jesenák (Slovakia), I. Hocmanová (Slovakia), L. G. Austin (USA), P. Baláž (Slovakia), M. Senna (Japan), interpreter, E. G. Avvakumov (Russia), L. Opoczky, (Hungary), K. Tkáčová (Slovakia), N. Z. Lyachov (Russia), V. V. Boldyrev (Russia), H.-P. Hennig (Germany), N. Števulová (Slovakia), H.-P. Heegn (Germany), P. Yu. Butyagin (Russia); Author of photography: V. Šepelák (Slovakia).
The International Mechanochemical Association
Ideally, the International Mechanochemical Association (IMA) is the legacy of chemists, physicists and engineers who devoted part of their lives, during the early years of the second half of 1900, to the physical and chemical effects stemming from the application of mechanical forces to solids.
The last IMA’s Event is the INCOME2020.
Is organized by the Departments of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, of Chemical and Geological Sciences and of Physics of the University of Cagliari (Italy) and by the COST Action CA18112 – Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry (MechSustInd), under the patronage of the International Mechanochemical Association (IMA), an organization associated with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
The International Mechanochemical Association
Ideally, the International Mechanochemical Association (IMA) is the legacy of chemists, physicists and engineers who devoted part of their lives, during the early years of the second half of 1900, to the physical and chemical effects stemming from the application of mechanical forces to solids.
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